Covid-19 response

Angaza covid19 responses


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We were not left behind by the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on 2020 plans, however, we stepped in to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic Through the Common Goal emergency grant support, we supported our beneficiaries through;

  • Installation of handwashing stations in 8 clusters of Kiandutu slums and provided water and handwashing soap. 
  • Distribution of hand sanitizers and face masks
  • We conducted weekly community awareness on Covid-19 through trained volunteers, the community awareness included physical distancing awareness and campaigns, distributing Covid-19 information leaflets, educating beneficiaries on the correct way to wear face masks, wash hands, and identifying covid-19 symptoms.
  • Creation of mental health awareness in the community through Boda Boda riders (motorbikes) 
  • Distribution of sanitary towels to most affected girls together with face masks

And through Social enterprise assist, an initiative by Common Goal we are getting RAFT (Reduce, Adapt, Fundraise, Trade) support which is helping us work towards organization sustainability.